Mario DelFrate

Mario DelFrate graduated from Logan College of Chiropractic, earning a Doctor of Chiropractic degree, after obtaining an Honours specialized degree in Kinesiology from the University of Toronto. He is also certified in Functional Integrative Acupuncture and Webster Technique. He applies an evidence-informed and patient-centered approach to each care plan to help facilitate the return to optimal function.

Mario was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, and moved to St. Louis in 2019. He has always been involved in health and athletics at the recreational, performance, and rehabilitation levels. His for both has helped establish a strong passion for healthy movement. With a background in hockey and soccer, he strongly believes in the benefits of daily movement and healthy lifestyle choices to help patients establish a more active and balanced life.

He strongly believes in combining chiropractic care, holistic medicine, and Chinese medicine to help guide care plans and facilitate each patient’s return to optimal function. This may include chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue therapy, prehab and rehabilitation exercises, education, acupuncture needling, and more. His primary goal is to help others return to normal function, remove interference in the nervous system, and live a healthy lifestyle.